Photos of Marching Mizzou Over the Years
Thank you to our M2AB director, Hadley Haux, for finding these pieces of Marching Mizzou’s history and sharing them with our members. For more photos of Marching Mizzou, join our M2AB Facebook Group.
M2AB will add more photos to this page over time. Thanks for your patience!
Marching Mizzou in 1938-39 | Band 53
The Savitar, the University of Missouri Yearbook, claimed
"From the standpoint of continuous service, the band [Marching Mizzou] is the oldest university band in the United States."​
"This band had the pleasure of playing to an audience of over seven and a half million people when it appeared on the National Farm and Home Hour, which was broadcast over 102 stations of [NBC]" (radio).​
"Recently the band was designated by the State of Missouri's World's Fair Commission to represent the state at the World's Fairs in New York and San Francisco.”​